27 July 1990
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this Commercial Item Description.
This Commercial Item Description covers an agglutination viewer for use with hand test tubes.
Salient Characteristics:
Shall be a magnified test tube agglutination viewer, for viewing blood typing, cross matching and other agglutination tests.
Shall be designed for use with hand held test tubes.
Shall consist of a shaded lamp with a 25 watt rated light bulb, an adjustable gooseneck, an adjustable magnifying mirror, an on-off electric switch, a lamp base and an electric power line cord.
Shall be operable from 50/60 Hz, AC supply lines. The applicable line voltage shall be as indicated in the ordering data (see “Ordering data” paragraph).
Shall be designed and constructed so that:
Test tube(s) can be positioned between a top mounted lamp shade and a bottom mounted magnifying mirror.
The content of the test tube(s) are illuminated from above.
The under surface contents of the test test(s) tubes are viewed below from the reflection in the magnifying mirror.
Shall be supplied with a detachable 25 watt bulb that has a threaded base.
Shall be constructed to include the following.
A shaded lamp that is attached to the lamp base by a gooseneck
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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